'Postcard' or 'Hallmark Postcard' Virus Hoax - Urban Legends
Hoax email alert warns of 'the worst virus ever' circulating in the form of an attachment labeled See also: "Olympic Torch" Virus Warning , another version of this hoax. FBI : E- Valentines May Not Be So Sweet UPI, 12 February 2008
Worm Virus
1 post - 1 author - Last post: 13 May 2010 fbi warning valentines email virus exchange server anti virus protection forum hijack redirect virus feee anti
DNA and Your iPod » Blog Archive » Viruses , Social Engineering
13 Feb 2008 Be wary when opening e- mail greeting cards this Valentine's Day if you don't know the sender. As Switched.com has been warning all its
Beware unexpected e- Valentines , FBI says - The Red Tape Chronicles
29 Jul 2008 The warning from the FBI is true as is the Storm virus . This began circulating in July, 2008. The FBI alert says that you may receive an email that talks The Storm Worm virus was at the heart of a Valentine virus
Valentines Email Virus
that the fbi about Seem to describes ways to a new email virus iloveyou virus warning issued Application to refer to detailed information Valentines
FBI Warning : Valentine 'e-Cards' Could Spread Computer Virus
12 Feb 2008 FBI Issues Valentine's Day Email Warning - Breaking news from The from a secret admirer, but instead might contain the Storm Worm virus .
Valentine Emails Virus
Get e- mail updates when new scams and warnings are posted here .... e- mail claiming to contain pictures in attached files, as the files may contain viruses .
Releaselog | RLSLOG.net » FBI warns before Valentine “Storm” virus
30 Jul 2008 FBI issues warning of Storm Worm Virus attached to email . time the Storm Worm virus came through was around Valentines day of this year.
Valentine's Day e-Card Could Be Virus In Waiting
FBI Issues Valentine's Day Email Warning email this discussion to a friend? a storm warning , and the Valentine's Card e- mail has a virus in it. yikes! i
FBI Storm Worm Virus Warning -Truth!
1 post - 1 author - Last post: 13 May 2010 fbi warning valentines email virus exchange server anti virus protection forum hijack redirect virus feee anti
FBI Storm Worm Virus Warning -Truth!
14 Feb 2008 FBI Warns of Valentine's Day E- Mail Virus , Don't click on any Click here for the FBI warning , and here, here and here for free security
myLot - FBI Issues Valentine's Day Email Warning
FBI Issues Valentine's Day Email Warning Feb 12, 2008. Internet Alert: St. Valentine's Day E-Card Carries Storm Worm Virus
When you care enough to send the very best - Storm worm laden e
12 Feb 2008 E- Mail Carries Love And Viruses For Valentine's Day. The FBI is warning that an unexpected e-card in your in-box may contain the Storm Worm
FBI Warns of Valentine's Day E- Mail Virus - Science News | Science
2 Mar 2008 However, a few days ago he sent an email entitled “ FBI warning about about viruses in greeting cards, especially around Valentine's Day.
Beware of Viruses on Valentine's Day
13 Feb 2008 In an FBI warning issued on Feb. 12, a malicious e- mail virus concealing itself in what appears to be a Valentine's Day e-card is spreading
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