Valentine's Day Greeting Cards
Personalize and send free online greeting cards such as free birthday cards Holidays Valentine's Day Ecards Be My Valentine · Share on Facebook Ecard pickup; Sitemap · Link to us ; Make us your home page; Add us to your favorites
Photos: The Scorned Lovers Valentine's Day card workshop - Denver
Sign up now! Join Us ! E-mail address: Password: Log me on automatically in future visits; Forgotten password? Valentine's Day Cards . Too Many Treats animated Flash ecard This card has optional greetings: Happy Valentine's Day !,
Saint Valentine's Day : History of the Card
Hallmark creates more than 1600 Valentine's Day greeting card designs. In
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Help us give kids in poverty a chance at a fair start. When you donate $25 today you will receive a set of 24 limited-edition Valentine's Day Cards (2 cards
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a b c "Americans Valentine's Day ". U.S. Greeting Card Association. 2010. http://
History of Valentines Day
1 post - Last post: yesterdayMore than one half of the population of the U.S. celebrates Valentine's Day in some way, with 36 million heart-shaped boxes of chocolates
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25 Jan 2011 Valentine's Day cards are the second most popular seasonal cards , In addition to the United States , Valentine's Day is celebrated in
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The first commercial Valentine's Day greeting cards produced in the U.S. were created in the 1840s by Esther A. Howland. Howland, known as the Mother of the
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Did you know that exchanging Valentine's Day cards likely began in America as .... Check out the great offers from our travel sponsors or join us on Virtual
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It was not until the 1840s that Valentine's Day greeting cards began to be commercially produced in the U.S. The first American Valentine's Day greeting
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2 postsFirst mass-produced Valentine's Day card with embossed paper lace are said to have produced in United States shortly after 1847 by Esther Howland
Valentine's Day — Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts
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Valentine's Day Facts. According to Hallmark, more than half of the U.S. population celebrates Valentine's Day by purchasing a greeting card .
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The history of Valentine's Day is obscure, and further clouded by various fanciful legends. The tradition of Valentine's cards did not become widespread in the United Add bookmark; Add to del.icio. us ; Digg It! Add to Reddit
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