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Springstead High School Valentines Dance
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Springstead High School Valentines Dance
Get ready for Valentine's Day with Ch. 340's ideas for restaurants, gifts and family .... fire dance performers, inflatable games, trick or treat with free candy. .... 10/30/2010 Springstead High School , 3300 Mariner Blvd., Spring Hill
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Springstead High School Band has competed in state competiton and placed 2nd last year. .... There was no line dancing … 1 hour ago. Shell In Your Pocket Valentine's Day is ready to go/Nie asks on Blogher. 19 hours ago
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6 Jul 2010 Frank W. Springstead High School Student status: Alumni
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The food was catered by Lita Schwabe and Melissa Springstead , .... We had a fun Valentines dance party at the studio just this past Saturday, February 15th!
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File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick Viewexcited Wilson students during the Valentine's dance on February 11th. The cafete- .... Ms. M: Freshman year of high school , but I was first exposed to French by a .... Springstead , Hannah. Switzer, Mark. Taylor, Emily. Trevino, Jessica
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12 Feb 2010 The High Point Community February Dance will be from 7 to 10
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18 Jun 2010 Times staff writer Danny Valentine contributed to this report. .... Campbell was moved from Gibbs High School after it earned an F in 2009 ..... a guidance counselor at Springstead High School in Spring Hill, ..... Show and Dance from 6 to 11 p.m. July 3 at VFW Post 10209, 14736 Edward R. Noll Drive
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